
Know your property is protected with our guarantees

Happiness Guarantee

Our services have stood the test of time, and we believe in quality customer service. We understand that if you do not value our services, you shouldn't be stuck in our contract. If you decide our services are no longer needed for any reason, you can cancel your agreement within the first 30 days with no penalties, no questions asked!

Results Guarantee

With our results guarantee, we don't get paid until we show you results. We do all the work upfront, and you don't pay until a qualified tenant pays the rent. That means we screen applicants, aggressively market and show your property by licensed Agents and Brokers, Take high-quality photos and even create a walkthrough video for your home, Pay for online marketing on only the best rental sites, review applications, Draft leases and provide necessary move-in inspections and work before ever collecting a cent from you. ResComm goes above and beyond any other firm, which is why we are so confident in our results and stand behind our guarantees.

Leasing Guarantee

Our leasing guarantee states that if a tenant does not fulfill at least 12 months of a lease term, we will find you a new tenant for free.

30 Day Rental Guarantee

If we are unable to lease your home in 30 days or less we will give you ONE month of management free!

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